How to make Ramadan easy 10 golden tips for a healthy and enjoyable fast

How to make Ramadan easy? 10 golden tips for a healthy and enjoyable fast

The month of Ramadan is a great opportunity to worship Allah Almighty and improve one’s physical and mental health, but some may find it difficult to get used to fasting, especially in the early days. Therefore, today we offer you 10 golden tips for an easy and healthy Ramadan fast, with each tip carefully detailed to ensure a unique Ramadan experience.


The article is in Arabic


1. Gradual fasting

Weeks before the start of Ramadan, you can start a gradual fast by fasting for a few hours a day, such as from 10am to 5pm. Then gradually increase the duration of the fast each day until you reach an all-day fast, which will help you gradually get used to feeling hungry and thirsty without experiencing shock or fatigue.


2. Suhoor meal

The secret of your energy during the day The Suhoor meal is one of the most important meals of the day during the month of Ramadan, as it helps to provide the body with the energy it needs to fast until the time of breaking the fast. Make sure your Suhoor meal is rich in protein, fibre and complex carbohydrates such as eggs, yoghurt, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

  • Tips for preparing a rich Suhoor meal

    • Avoid foods that cause thirst: such as salty foods and processed sugars.
    • Eat whole grains: such as oats, brown bread and brown rice.
    • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables: such as cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, dates.
    • Eat lean proteins: such as chicken, fish, eggs.
    • Eat nuts and seeds: such as almonds, walnuts, linseeds.
    • Drink plenty of water during the Suhoor meal: to keep the body hydrated during the fasting hours.


3. Drinking water

Your ally against dehydration Drinking water is one of the most important tips for fasting during Ramadan as it helps to avoid dehydration and keep the body hydrated. Make sure you drink enough water during Iftar and Suhoor and avoid dehydrating drinks such as coffee and tea.

  • Tips to increase water intake during Ramadan

    • Keep a water bottle handy: this will encourage you to drink water regularly.
    • Drink a glass of water before each meal: to aid digestion.
    • Eat fruits and vegetables rich in water: such as watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes.
    • Replace fizzy drinks with water flavoured with fruit: lemon, mint.


4. Avoid fatty foods and sweets

Fatty foods and sweets make you feel heavy and tired during fasting, so make sure you eat balanced, healthy meals that are rich in vitamins and minerals, and avoid foods that make you thirsty, such as salty foods.

  • Tips for healthy eating during Ramadan

    • Divide your breakfast into two parts: leave enough time between them to avoid feeling full.
    • Start breakfast with dates, water or milk: to gradually increase the sugar level in the blood.
    • Eat lean proteins: such as chicken, fish, eggs.
    • Eat fibre: such as leafy vegetables and whole grains.
    • Eat fresh fruit: rich in vitamins and minerals.
    • Reduce your intake of processed sugars: such as soft drinks and sweets.


5. Exercise

Regular exercise during Ramadan helps to boost your energy and improve your overall health.

  • Tips for exercising during Ramadan

    1. Choose a convenient time to exercise, such as after Iftar or before Suhoor.
    2. Start with easy exercises: such as brisk walking or swimming.
    3. Increase the duration and intensity of your exercise gradually: over time.
    4. Listen to your body: and stop exercising if you feel tired or exhausted.
    5. Avoid exercising in hot climates: to avoid dehydration.


How to make Ramadan easy 10 golden tips for a healthy and enjoyable fast


6. Adequate sleep

Adequate sleep is essential for the health of the body and mind, especially during the month of Ramadan, make sure you get enough sleep (7-8 hours) during the night hours to avoid feeling tired and exhausted during the day.

  • Tips on how to get enough sleep during Ramadan

    1. Keep a regular bedtime and wake-up routine: even at weekends.
    2. Create a comfortable sleeping environment: for example, by reducing the lighting and ventilating the room.
    3. Avoid using electronic devices before bedtime: such as smartphones and computers.
    4. Avoid caffeine before bedtime: such as coffee and tea.
    5. Practice relaxation exercises before bedtime: such as yoga or meditation.


7. Patience and overcoming challenges

You may face some challenges during Ramadan, such as feeling hungry, thirsty and tired, but remember that patience is the key to success.Try to overcome these challenges with patience, faith and determination.


8. Share social activities

Sharing social activities with family and friends will help you have a good time during Ramadan and distract you from feeling hungry and thirsty.


9. Benefit from the virtues of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is a great opportunity to worship and get closer to Allah Almighty; be sure to read the Holy Quran, pray and worship, and use this opportunity to improve yourself and your soul.

10. Preserve the gains of Ramadan

Do not make Ramadan a temporary stop, but make sure to preserve its gains by following a healthy diet and regular exercise to change your lifestyle for the better.


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the best foods to eat for breakfast?

It is best to eat a breakfast rich in protein, fibre and complex carbohydrates such as eggs, yoghurt, wholegrains, fruit and vegetables.


What are the best drinks to drink during Ramadan?

It is advisable to drink plenty of water during Iftar and Suhoor and to avoid dehydrating drinks such as coffee and tea.


What is the best exercise to do during Ramadan?

It is advisable to do light exercise such as brisk walking or swimming and to avoid strenuous exercise in hot weather.


What is the best way to get enough sleep during Ramadan?

It is advisable to go to bed early, wake up early, create a comfortable sleeping environment and avoid using electronic devices before bedtime.



By following these golden tips, you will be able to fast easily and healthily during Ramadan and enjoy all its spiritual and physical benefits, remembering that fasting is a great act of worship that brings you closer to Allah Almighty and improves your health and soul.

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