5 ideas for working from home
5 ideas for working from home is a phrase that always resonates with us, but do we know the tip of the thread that we stick to take this unconventional path? It is an additional source of income or a primary source of income away from traditional methods. Today I am asking you for 5 ideas you can implement from inside your home, but you will need a computer connected to the internet.
Reselling Reselling
Reselling we all know the trade that you buy a product, resell it, and earn from the price difference. But what if I told you that you can sell a product that you didn’t buy, Yes, you are reselling a product that is originally on sale or has not yet been offered.
Reselling a product that has not yet been offered for sale:
In short, you are a broker and let’s start with something simple, we all have used items, some of us sell at a loss, and some don’t find the time. And some of us don’t know how to sell it like an old phone, a computer, a car, a bedroom, or clothes.
All you have to start with those around you and agree with them that you are taking over the sale of this product that they want to sell. You prepare the product, photograph it, offer it for sale, handle the issue of negotiation, delivery, receipt of the value of the product, hand it over to the owner of the product and discount your percentage.
And there are a lot of sites, including social networking sites.
Imagine today you have three products with you and have nd gained experience and a month later you have 50 products with you. If you have earned a small amount, you can buy a wholesale product, even 5 pieces, resell it and the whole gain is yours.
Reselling a product that is already on sale:
This type is very popular, they enter marketing sites and choose a product that knows the category you need from your surroundings or acquaintances. He subscribes to the site and gets a link of his own and gives it to anyone who wants the product or offers it on the internet. Whether through its social media accounts or by WhatsApp messages, each buyer of this product calculates your percentage and transfers it to your account.
Many people have tried this route and now they own their stores that choose the best products for their visitors. Or they ask him and he investigates and comes to them with the right product for them and gives them a reason why he chose this product for them. Among the hundreds of products, he acquires and earns the love and trust of his customers.
I want a new phone wiuniqueial specifications for a specific amount and am at a loss among all the types offered and I have no experience with phones. Any site will not give you information, it only displays specifications and prices, but some stores answer visitors ‘ questions. He interacts with visitors, so some prefer to buy from those who trust him, interact with them, resell, and earn.
Any questions or inquiries leave them at the bottom of the article with a comment.
5 ideas for working from home.
Content industry
The content industry is a big term and has many facets, but today we want the part of it that we can implement and benefit from.
First: writing articles.
We all write posts and some of us write topics beautifully and imaginatively, but do you know there are others for whom articles have become a primary source of income?
Some started social networking sites and evolved to create a blog (Blogger) and began to list their creations according to what they like or their specialty. Some majored in cooking, some majored in technical matters, some majored in mathematics, and some wrote about signatures and calligraphy.
Features of the Blogger Blog :
Free provided by Google, you will not need hosting, a domain, and no expenses to start your blog and submit your creations.
There are a lot of sites asking blog owners to write on their sites for money, and there are a lot of companies, celebrities, and newspapers buying premium articles.
Medium is a website and application that many famous blog owners register on and develop their skills. And the site feature is famous and has a lot of creators, so you find a lot of articles in certain fields at Nice prices.
Second: the content creator:
1. YouTube clips are content that needs to:
Sound engineering.
Script: the text that is said by syllable.
Montage: for cutting and assembling.
Introduction: especially if it is a channel.
Thumbnail: for a clip-channel logo banner for the channel background.
All this is for one clip professionally, can one person do all this for sure, no. Therefore, those who have skills are used for a financial fee, and there are many sites where you can find those who request these services or those who offer these services.
2. Any website that needs:
Designer: designs the website.
Graphic: to prepare images.
An essayist.
E-Marketer: conducts targeted advertising campaigns.
3. Manage social media pages or accounts.
Many of us turn to those who have experience with communication sites to respond to messages or publish certain publications.
This may be because the account holders do not have the experience or time to do it themselves.
All of the above are job opportunities, you don’t have to be the one who creates the content, but you can help the content creator in the department that you are good at and donate it.
There are a lot of sites where you can show your skills and take them for a fee.
How to profit from online Google AdSense 2023
Programming languages
Programming languages are many:
Some of them are specialized in web design, some in application design, and some in computer programs and games, and they are very much in demand and are considered one of the highest salaries in the world.
But all you have to do is select the language you want to study and work in the field you want.
Both for the design of websites and for the design of applications.
I give you the example of my friend’s brother in 2001, he was collecting 50 thousand Egyptian pounds and traveled to a Gulf country and he was collecting almost 30 thousand Saudi riyals. He waited only a few years, traveled to a country, and opened his own company. But he was distinguished by his field and was always looking forward to studying anything new in his field or close to his field.
Come on, you look lazy like me and you don’t want to bother your head with learning and nothing.
In our current world in 2021, there are websites where you tell them what you want and they do the programming instead of you.
In the sense that you want an application for your company, all you have to do is give them the full details and they give you the application ready. With the advantages that you enter the adjustment of colors, arrangement, etc.
Also sites 10 minutes are estimated to create a ready-made site.
But like Maher al-Yamani, I preferred between the easy and the difficult, so I created a cross-platform application. Then I learned and moved to another platform until I learned some percentages and designed the application and I want to complete the field from the easiest to the most difficult.
Also this site there were 4 easy options, I chose the average, and I have the opportunity to learn and the opportunity to go to harder and harder levels. I found that (WordPress) is a powerful and open-source domain that provides a full content management feature. I can study one of the languages used for applications and websites.
If you are good at designing websites in any way or designing applications, their work is very much in demand and we hear payments being asked for designing a website or application.
Any questions or inquiries leave them at the bottom of the article with a comment.
Product review
Reviewing products is one of the funniest and most beautiful businesses, but you should start on a product, service, or something that you really like, relate to and understand.
Review of cars.
Motorcycle review.
Review of phones.
Review of clothes and shoes.
Review of harem accessories.
Reviewing songs many love to rap.
Movie review.
Review of food and restaurants.
The most beautiful of all are those who love food and visiting restaurants, some of them have succeeded very terribly. So much so that some restaurants are willing to sit down and negotiate the price in exchange for just visiting their restaurant.
The field of reviews depends mainly on something you love and adore, so you will find that you have information and always renew your information.
No field in the world does not have reviews either by specialists or amateurs.
When you go to buy a phone, you are confused, and you go in, write a phone review and remember the model, you will find many articles and clips.
And you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the phone and details that you did not think about and did not have knowledge of.
Household products
Home products and here I’m going to talk about only two areas-eating and gifting, have you ever heard that people stopped eating As well as gifts, especially for occasions, holidays, etc?
Who among us does not like eating, sweets, each country is distinguished by its distinctive cuisine.
Some don’t have the time and some are single and resort to fast food according to the acceleration of their day.
Never mind if you find a home-cooked meal that has a delivery service and is prepared at home. It is better if someone thanks for the service provided and there is a rating on it.
Imagine you have a birthday and you need a tart and gateaux and someone offers you a tart written in the name of your son or daughter. And it’s fabulously made with ingredients that you order and gets to your place.
There is nothing more beautiful than this.
But beauty is not always complete in this area cleanliness, taste, and reputation must be maintained.
Who among us did not receive a gift one day, as well as Who of us did not give a loved one a gift?
About myself, the last gift I received from the bank where I opened an account was a stylus pen with the bank’s logo and name printed on it.
T-shirt printing for children and youth:
I know a young man who goes to a factory, buys 12 pieces, the piece stands for 22, goes to a private printing house, prints one piece for 30, and comes back to sell the piece for 150. Most of his clients are ladies who want to give their children beautiful, elegant, and respectable T-shirts. At the same time, some of them are for their husbands.
And God opened up to him, he bought a printing machine and printed at home, he came up with the drawing from the net, recorded it with the machine, printed and sold it, and it became a source of income and had a beautiful reputation.
He began to buy quantities from the factory, print and distribute to shops.
Printing on pens:
I know a girl who studies at the university, goes to companies, and gives presentations and, by God’s grace, she sells a good number of pens and it became her source of income.
Printing magazines:
Who among us does not like to have his glory in his image or his name, as well as for family members?
Harem accessories: there are many examples, from handicrafts to gold-plated.
Youth accessories: medallions for cars or home with a letter or name and an open field.
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5 ideas for working from home
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